Wednesday, March 12, 2014

WPPI 2014

Wedding & Portrait Photographers International (WPPI) was organized for the special interests and needs of these photographers. (To read more about WPPI go here.) WPPI held its first convention in 1980 and has continued have conventions annually.

Little over a week ago I had the opportunity to attend the 34th annual WPPI Convention. I saw almost everything about the industry. From camera sellers, film makers, and camera bags to photo editing, film processing, and printing varieties, I saw it all.

I was only able to attend the expo, but it was amazing. Especially Richard Photo Lab's personal interviews. They brought in a myriad of people from photographers to bloggers and asked questions to prompt inspiring and encouraging answers. The interview I really wanted to attend was of Jose Villa. The wedding photographer head honcho. Seriously, this guy does everything beautiful, travels the world, has his work shown in Martha Stewart weddings (you see how big a deal he is?!), and you can see his work here.

The most piece of advice he gave that struck me the most is to make everything reflect what my business (Shaylee Photography) is. And in thinking about this I realized that I already do. My business is about connections between people. Check out my instagram (which is really the only other source of mine-- non-business directed-- that is on the web), it is all about my connections with other people, especially my family. These connections are what I cherish and what I photograph.

Now, for your viewing purposes, here are some photos from the interview of Jose Villa and the Richard Photo Lab booth at WPPI 2014.

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