Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Live a Life of No Regrets

Recently I've had the goal of living my life so that months, years, or decades down the road I will not say "I wish I would have..." or "What if I had taken that opportunity?" I want to live a life of no regrets. I haven't always made a strong effort to keep that goal.

All growing up I've known that my Grandpa's birthday is the 2nd of February, Groundhog Day. So exactly one year ago I thought to myself that I should call my Grandpa on his birthday. Something I had never done because we were never all that close. Well February 2 came and I thought that I should call him later because I couldn't right in that moment. Then February 3 came and I thought the same thing as the day before. February 4, the same thought. February 5, I thought, It's too late now, I'll get him next year. Many of you know what happened two and a half months after I had these thoughts. Suddenly something I never had done turned into something I never could do. Next year would never come.

That has been my biggest regret thus far in my life.

And now as I look back on this image taken on the last day of my Grandpa's mortal life all I can think is how much more I could have done.
I could have visited him more.
I could have asked him to tell me stories about him.
I could have taken him new treats I learned to make.

I could have wished him happy birthday.

His birthday 84th birthday would be in a week and a half.

Happy birthday to my Grandpa Droubay. Till we meet again.

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