Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Kauai, Part 1

I've been to Kauai several times and I've come to the conclusion that you have to go to Kauai at least three times and stay for one week each time. The first time you go to Kauai you do the tourist things: see Spouting Horn, the Napali Coast, visit Hilo Hattie, take pictures of every little thing (seals, tortoises, palm trees), attend a luau, etc. The second time of visiting Kauai you observe the culture of the Kauai natives: attend a religious meeting, walk through town, basically people watching (and NOT the tourists, they aren't natives). The third time to go to Kauai you live it: you explore and make your culture their culture for that period of one week.

This post is focusing on the first time you visit Kauai: Tourists.

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