Friday, March 30, 2012


Do you ever have those moments when you see something and you think to yourself, "wow, that looks really cool right now, I should take a picture" ? And then you tell yourself that you have other things to do, it will look cool again, you can take a picture of it later?

My goodness. I do that all the time.

Lately, however, I've grabbed my phone to capture the scene. But it just doesn't do justice!
This night was one of those nights. It was cold, it was late, I could've done homework (heaven knows how much my Richard Avedon paper is weighing down on me), I could've filled my tummy, but I didn't want to regret this. Not again.

So I raced through my house grabbing my tripod, camera, light meter, and fingerless gloves and raced outside.

Those moments of precise decision make all the difference. When those moments come, act. Stop making sudden excuses. Do whatever is needed, and potential regret will most likely be averted.

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